Posle vise od godinu dana ceznje za ovim stropom, konacno sam dosao u priliku da ga sebi priustim.
Mogu samo da kazem jedno - SAVRSENSTVO.
Strop je skuplji oko 60% od dosadasnjeg, koji nije bio jeftin, i apsolutno vredi tih para. Sa zadnje strane je platno od prirodnog lana. U produzetku cu nalepiti opis sa sajta:
3" Artisan Horsehide Roughout "Russian Style Leather" Strop
My 8 to 9 oz. Artisan Old No. 2™ Specially Finished Medium / Heavy'ish Draw Leather is available with Latigo leather trim and Dee Rings or heavy Handles. Many have asked me to once again make a somewhat heavier draw strop. I have had good results with the shaved flesh side of hides and came up with something similar to the Illinois No. 827 Russian Leather strop but with a less wooly, more tame, but still firm temper surface. Not really heavy, but more of a "draw with texture" coarseness that is very effective. The strop with its own 5 o'clock shadow texture !
I have sourced hides with a uniformly skived flesh side and pressure roll these to increase surface temper. I think it provides a nice, medium/slow draw without any inherent stickiness that I find in latigo leathers. Typical of the old Russian leather strops with the working surface being the flesh rather than grain side of the hide.
Note: These will have more variation in texture, color mottling / patterns and dark banding than my smooth horsehide.
The front component is a medium/heavy 8 to 9 oz. Premium Veg. Tanned Horsehide "Rough Out" leather that has been specially worked to provide a firmer, more tame surface than the usual flesh side leather. It will provide a slightly heavier, more coarse feeling draw than the smooth veg tanned Horsehide but not truly "heavy". The coarseness softens with use and draw increases slightly. There are some threads and posts on Badger & Blade by customers who have been after just such a feel and it is very much like the Illinois #827 Russian strop. It has a firm, somewhat coarse draw and needs some breaking in to be at its best. It is hand worked to give just the right suppleness and to help it resist cupping. This leather component is joined at the top to a second component of either my heavy, medium weave cotton (standard) or optional Genuine Flax Linen (+$25) each with its own Dee Ring or Handle grips.
These feature Dee Ring grips (standard) or optional leather handles (+$17) and have a 3" wide x 17" long stropping surface with a 24" (D-rings) or 29" (handles) overall length. Leather caps and handles are made from a smooth black Latigo for a nice rich contrast with the tan color of the horsehide.
Note: I make all of my strops with a crowned, slightly high center to resist the natural tendency of leather to cup (high edges). On soft leather this flattens under normal stropping pressure and on stiffer leather like the veg tanned horse or steerhide most find the natural rolling motion of stropping fits with the crowned shape and is effective.
NOTE: Any of my strops can be made as a 2 1/2" wide model with cotton upon request. Genuine Flax Linen is not available on 2 1/2" strops.
All strop edges are back beveled, rounded, and beaded. The Latigo trim pieces are also rounded, back beveled and burnished for a uniform appearance. It takes more time to do this detail work but is the only proper way to make a quality product. And of course all of my strops feature Chicago Screw construction making them modular for easy component replacement should it be needed. This now popular modular construction and this handle design that you see from other makers was an Heirloom Razor Strop innovation over 15 years ago.